Untitled from 7News Belize on Vimeo.
And we end this pre-New Year's newscast as we have for the past 15 years, with a review of the images that made news in the past 12 months.
To be sure, 2011 has been a very active year for the news - probably the most active since the turbulent 2005.
Just looking at the broad outline - it was the year that saw Government take over BEL, and then lose BTL just a few days later, only to take it back just hours later!
It was also the year that saw the uproar over the ninth amendment. That one is done and now the battle is about UNIBAM and Belize's buggery laws.
And while those things happened at the state and judicial level: in May and June there were the fiery bus protests and the Chetumal Street South Squatters.
And who could forget the butane issue, or the fake land documents issue, those mystery PUP millionaires, and a new leader of the opposition.
And, of course, the gang truce, which is still holding, and has the year ending with a decline in murders.
All of that and much more happened in 2011 - and for the past week, our video editors Paul Munnings and Victor Noble have been going through the archives looking for the best stuff.
They have distilled it to its finest essence in a packed ten minutes - and here's how it looks:..
For a full review of our favourite and most news-making stories of 2011 - you can tune into Channel 7 on Sunday night at 7:00 pm.
And with that we close this final newscast for 2011. We appreciate the support you've shown us throughout the year.
And, we're sure you know, we'll be right here for you next year.
So, happy new year…enjoy, celebrate, but be safe. We'll see you back here on Tuesday.