If you've ever been to a UDP party event, you've probably seen Ryan Swift. He's a devoted, steadfast and loyal supporter of the party - but today he was in what's best called a vulnerable moment. Seems the City Council was pushing him around for some extermination services he provided, and Swift came to our studios hopping mad.
Here's what he told us:..
Ryan Swift
"At this juncture it is simply my payment for work done."
Jules Vasquez
"But why is it such a big deal? How long do they owe you for?"
Ryan Swift
"They owe me from the time that the work was completed."
Jules Vasquez
"Two years?"
Ryan Swift
"No, we are not looking at that time span. We are looking at two weeks. It's not long, but two weeks seems like two years."
Jules Vasquez
"Why are you making such a big deal about it?"
Ryan Swift
"Because of the fact that I need to pay my workers; I need to pay my bills."
Jules Vasquez
"Have they given a reason why they aren't paying you?"
Ryan Swift
"Yes, they said that the council has to meet."
Jules Vasquez
"What's owed to you, is that in dispute?"
Ryan Swift
"I gather that you could ask them that."
Jules Vasquez
"Yes but I am saying 'why does the council have to meet?' If you send in a bill, and for services rendered, payment should be forthcoming automatically."
Ryan Swift
"Life is not logic Jules."
Jules Vasquez
"Now your thing is on go-slow."
Ryan Swift
"I can't get paid; I can't pay my workers; I can't pay my light bill; I can't pay anything. I can't pay the family court; I can't pay anything. I just got a call from the city administrator saying that 'let me go to re-negotiate.' What should I re-negotiate? I don't do that."
"All I want, my brother, is transparency. Give me what you owe me, and I don't have any problem. You doing have to give me back any contract. I've survived ten years underneath the People's United Party who knew and still knows that Ryan Swift is a UDP supporter. I do not need to go through this sort of humiliation; I can't. Going around City Hall sitting around, no, don't do that to Ryan. I am Swift."
Of course, there are two sides to every story. City Administrator Candice Burke told us that Swift was trying to pull a fast one on the council.
He says Swift performed some services at the end of October, 2011 when the Mayor was away. And then in January of this year, he went to her and got a job to perform the services again. The City Administrator says he capitalized on the Mayor's ignorance of the fact that he had already done the same thing just two months earlier.
The City Administrator says that's why she has balked at paying him, and told him he has to re-visit the bill.
She says he knowingly deceived the mayor.
But, Swift, the crafty political veteran that he is, seems to know just which buttons to push.
The logic is that it's months to go before election, and any squeaky wheel is sure to get oil.
Late word to our newsroom is that he may likely be paid tomorrow.