Today, also at Saint Joseph Primary, NICH celebrated the accomplishments of 7 students who submitted their art work as entries in the 42nd World School Children Art Exhibition held in Taipei, Taiwan, last year.
That's no mean feat...18,000 thousand pieces from 100 schools were entered; seven from Belize was chosen for display and one piece was even awarded the bronze prize. Out of eighteen thsousand? That's one heck of an accomplishment!
NICH's President, Diane Haylock, discussed the accomplishment:
Diane Haylock - President, NICH
"Some time ago, last year, we received an invitation from Taiwan inviting us to submit the artwork of Belizean children in the 42nd World School Children's Art Exhibition. And So, we sent that information out to the various schools. And I'm very pleased to know that Saint Joseph was one of the schools that submitted, but even more so that 7 of the pieces of work that were submitted, actually came from Saint Joseph School, and furthermore, that one of the winners of that 42nd World School Children's Art Competition, is actually from Saint Joseph. That person won bronze."
The student who won bronze was Kastanea Cruz; she has since graduated from Saint Joseph, and she is now attending high school. As part of the award, Angelus Press donated art supplies to Saint Joseph, and NICH has donated $500 to the primary school in an effort to encourage the maintenance of their art program.