7 News Belize

Witz Says Property Owner Gave Him Machete to Cut Down Sign
posted (January 31, 2012)
And now back to politics. We also got comments today form Ramón Witz on the quite outrageous video of him taking a machete to a PUP flag. It happened on Sunday of Valley of Peace, and Witz told us that the owner not only asked him to cut down the sign - he also gave him the machete.

Here's his explanation plus a review of his actions by the Prime Minister:

Hon. Ramon Witz
"I was travelling and I went to visit one of my family, one of my supporters, and I questioned a huge PUP flag that was prominent in their yard, and they said basically that the people went there and they (the family) told them to please take it down because they don't want it."

"The elderly man gave me the machete to do it. I was travelling by myself at the time when I did it."

Jules Vasquez
"Have you been drinking? It has been suggested that you were under the influence."

Hon. Ramon Witz
"I'm a non-alcoholic. I don't drink."

Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"The owner of the premises provided Ramon Witz with a machete and said 'chop down the flag'."

"But your point, Jules, is well taken. We are appealing to people to give us a second term. There is always going to be an element of disquiet while the electorate will say 'if they get a second term, they might start to get too big for their boots.' We need to assure them not just with words but with deeds that that is not going to happen, and we do not provide those assurances if we act in any way that suggests that we are arrogant or that we think that we are above the law or that might makes right. So indeed, every standard bearer has been cautioned accordingly."

Jules Vasquez
"We know that Julius Espat has been very active in terms of putting up signs up in Cayo South. As soon as you pass mile 38 you can start seeing those signs. It is sort of wearing thin on you or is it frustrating you the volume of signage that he has on the Western Highway?"

Hon. Ramon Witz
"Not at all. In fact what is sometimes upsetting is that for the past 2-3 weeks his agents have been there on his request trying to destroy our signs in people's yard at 2-3 in the morning."

"The Prime Minister has been brief about this since last week and the incident on Sunday; I would have done it, Jules, ordinary just like that. I am not the type of person to do that. I was asked to do it by the owner of the property there."

Jules Vasquez
"You kind of seem to be enjoying, Ramon."

Hon. Ramon Witz
"I enjoy my work. I enjoy representing my people."

Jules Vasquez "Again, if someone asked you to do this again, would you personally do this yourself - seeing how it came out on camera?"

Hon. Ramon Witz
"Perhaps, not necessarily."

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