As everyone should know by now, on Friday Yolanda Schakron's nomination as a candidate for the PUP in Lake Independence was rejected and, at the last minute, her brother Martin stepped in to take up the seat.
Today he was the featured attraction at a PUP press conference to launch the party's city council manifesto.
He addressed a crowd of eager supporters and made it clear that he and his sister are a tag team, almost like co-candidates:
Martin Galvez - PUP Candidate, Lake I
"1 vote for Martin Galvez will mean that we get rid of 2 things, Mark King. And I want you to know that 1 vote will bring double the love. That 1 vote will bring Martin Galvez, and Yolanda Schakron."
Yolanda Schakron - Former PUP Candidate, Lake I
"You have 2 people to deal with now. People of Lake Independence are all about love, and now you have double the love. And Jules, Martin doesn't even have a green card!"
Galvez told us he did once have a green card but gave it up back in the 80's...