Earlier on we told you about the People's referendum - which, its critics will say had no independent body overseeing it, but for the first time, Belize's General and municipal elections will be overseen by the Organization of American States.
The OAS Observer Team, headed by Ambassador Frank Almaguer, arrived in Belize today and met with the Elections and Boundaries Commission this afternoon in Belize City.
After signing the agreement with the Chairman of the Commission, Alberto August, Ambassador Almaguer said the role of his team is simple:
Ambassador Frank Almaguer - Head of OAS Observer Team To Belize
"First of all were delighted to be in Belize, and very pleased that the Elections and Boundaries Commission, the Government and the authorities invited the OAS to come and observe the General Elections for March 7th, which is the first time, Belize will have had OAS observers. Belize have had observers from other international organizations, but the first time from the OAS and this is the 50th year of the OAS conducting elections observation missions around the region. So, we're very please to add Belize to the list of countries, I will participating in the OAS electoral observation process, we will be traveling around the country in the next few days before the elections, to observe the preparations leading up to the elections. We will be here through the counting of the ballots, and we will then reassemble with the authorities, and provide our comments. Eventually this will turn into a report from us, to the Organization of the American States, and if I may add a personal note, I serve as a peace core volunteer in Orange Walk 45 years ago. So I am delighted to be back in Belize, the country that not only I know so well but that I truly love because that experience of 2 years as a peace core volunteer can never be erased."
The OAS has a three-man team in Belize right now - but they expect to have 20 observers deployed on election day...