You've heard all about mortgage forgiveness, well how about mortgage punishment!?
That's what Sam and Diana Bonilla have been going through for the past four months.
As we told you in January - the couple bought a house auction by Social Security in November. They had to take out a commercial loan to do it - and they've been making payments on that loan, but they still could not take possession of the house! And that's because the previous homeowner, who did not pay his social security loan just wouldn't leave and Social Security gave up on evicting him.
That left the eviction to the Bonilla's who today reported to us - that they think they've finally gotten a break - four months after the bought the house!
Today in Magistrate's Court - the magistrate gave the man occupying the house, Frank Mendez until the end of April to come out of the house.
If he does not do so by then, the magistrate will sign an eviction order forcing him out. Mendez did not appear in court today.
The end of April will make it six months that the Bonilla's have been paying their loan, without being able to occupy their house.