Ming Pei Chen, a prominent businessman, who owns a chain of businesses in Ladyville is in big trouble after he was caught with having more rounds of ammunition than his license allows for.
Chen, the 28 year-old owner of Honey's Supermarket in Ladyville, was arraigned in Magistrate's Court for quote, "having a greater number of rounds of ammunition than is specified in his gun license." End quote.
Chen pleaded not guilty to the charge, but because of the seriousness of the offence under the amended Firearms Act, Chief Magistrate Anne Marie Smith was forced to remand him into custody April 23.
On Saturday, the Gang Suppression Unit conducted a search on Chen's home, and they found his licensed .223 Ruger brand rifle. When they counted his ammunition for the rifle, they discovered that he had 106 rounds, 6 more than his license legally allows him to have at one time.
As a result, Chen was arrested and charged for the rare offense - and is now on remand. Chen owns Honey Supermarket, the recently opened 24/7 gas station and happy hour nightclub and restaurant. He has about 50 employees. He also owns a few small Chinese shops in the community.