7 News Belize

What is MSME?
posted (March 29, 2012)
Beltraide held a National Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprise, or MSME symposium today at the Biltmore hotel. NOW, just like us, you're probably asking, "What is an MSME anyway?"

Well, that's just what symposium participants were asking today. That's because one of the main objectives was to come up with a definition of MSMEs.

Michael Seepersaud, the Beltraide Consultant said why the symposium was really a validation activity.

Michael Seepersaud, Beltraide Consultant
"In November of last year, we have interviewed a number of business support organizations. We have had several consultations with MSMEs. We have collected all sorts of material, and we've used that to form our policy strategy recommendations."

"This exercise here is bringing some of the persons that we interfaced with since November and having them validate our findings. We want to look at strategies and recommendations and give us a stamp of approval more or less."

Deanne Gomez Peyrefitte, General Manager - Youth Business Trust
"Youth Business Trust deals with young entrepreneurs and so what's happening here today is very critical to the way forward for Youth Business Trust. So we are happy to be part of the process and feeding in to what will become the policy addressing MSMEs. So it will definitely be something that we will have to look to and utilizing the work that we do and so I don't see how we could not be here today."

"The policy - we are excited about the center, we are hopeful about. But we are also concern and interested to see how Youth Business Trust along with all the other organizations that currently do what the center is proposing to do will fit under what the center will do."

Mervin Skeen, Owner - Bel-Mer Winery
"I think this is an excellent opportunity where we come together. We could exchange ideas and we could come up with some kind of concept that might help forward in the manufacturing industry especially in Belize which is so important - I think."

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