On Wednesday the Police Ministry apologized to Taylor's alley residents for excessive force used by members of the GSU and the ADU. And Last night on this newscast - you heard a Taylor's Alley resident say, "apology not accepted."
Well, tonight the Ministry has fired back with another release.
It says, basically, that those who aren't satisfied with "sorry", can take their grievances to Court.
The release says that while there was unjustifiable and excessive use of force by Police on the night in question in Taylor's Alley - that doesn't mean there's strong evidence to support that. The release says, quote: "many of the evidence used…would not…meet the strict standards of 'rules of evidence'" for a Court of Law.
The Ministry's statement says it, quote, "urges the Taylor Street community and all those previously affected by police brutality to move forward with the understanding that there will be absolutely no tolerance for police brutality by this administration. Those who may feel that they still need to seek recompense are free to do so in a Court of Law." End quote.
That message also seems to go out to the George Street Gang which issued a signed statement yesterday asking for an investigation into the abuses against them which were committed in August.
Their statement says quote, "It is only fair that we get the chance from the newly formed Committee to do an investigation to see if the beating and arrest of over 20 persons was justified."