And also in the Magistrate's Court, 4 of 6 persons charged for a broad daylight robbery were convicted yesterday.
The robbery occurred in October of last year, in the early afternoon. Godwin Penner, a Mennonite of Spanish Lookout and his sideman, Wayne Humes, were robbed while they were doing their Belize City deliveries.
Penner was robbed of his 9 millimeter pistol loaded with 17 rounds of ammunition along with his wallet. Humes was also robbed of his wallet - even though it only had $5.00 dollars in it.
A quick response by the GSU was able to intercept the robbers 10 minutes later, and Ryan Arnold, Mervin McDonald, Andrew Talbert, and Randy Rowland were charged.
Talbert and McDonald were sentenced to 5 years for the firearm offense. They were also charged for two counts of handling stolen goods for Penner's gun and other items - for which they were sentenced 18 months.
Talbert, McDonald and Arnold were sentenced to 18 months for the robbery. Talbert's and Arnold's additional sentences will run concurrent to the 5 year sentence for the firearm offense.
Rowland was only charged with two counts of handling stolen goods and he was only sentenced to 6 months.
In her ruling, the Chief Magistrate noted that Rowland was not charged for robbery, but she does believe he was the getaway driver because his vehicle was used.