38 year old Kevin Kelly, known as BOCO-T died 6 days ago in the custody of San Pedro police - and his family still hasn't laid him to rest.
And that's because they say the police are not cooperating. No post mortem has been held for Kelly and the police are dismissing the family.
They expressed their frustration to us today:
Joan Kelly - Mother of Deceased
"No police have come to me. Nobody has come and told me anything from the time I heard he died. I went to the morgue because the body came in from caye. No police has come to tell me anything up to this day."
Lorna Wade - Common Law Wife of Deceased
"It's going for a week that Kevin died, and we know nothing at all. I went to the police station this morning, and the police were treating me like I'm a child. The officer shouted at me, and asked me if I wanted him personally to conduct the post mortem. No, I need answers. Right now, we don't care about what happened. We just want to bury Kevin."
Lincoln Kelly - Brother of Deceased
"We already got a bad deal from the system because they haven't even come and notified us that my brother died. And now, when we are trying to get the autopsy done, we are facing more problems from the same police. So, right now, we don't know where to turn; we are stressed out, and we are frustrated."
Jules Vasquez
"Why haven't they done a post-mortem?"
Joan Kelly
"They say that they are waiting for the police from San Pedro. We got Karim Musa to try to locate this police, and we still haven't gotten any answers up to now. We are still waiting to try to bury him. What are they doing to us? They don't want us to bury our loved-one. They are keeping us back."
Lincoln Kelly
"The culture of Belize is that this is the way that things run. Once you are a small-time person, and you don't have connection with 'big peoples', nothing happens for you. It looks like you have to go through things the rough way."
Lorna Wade
"This is a big minister's nephew. Kevin Kelly is Finnegan's nephew. This is a big minister's nephew, come on. We are asking at least that somebody tries to do something because we want to bury him. We need to put to put him to rest."