We'll admit that when we heard the City Council inviting city residents to come out at 6:00 am on Labor Day to clean up the city we didn't think it would amount to much - after all, who wants to work on a holiday? - Especially when it's one of the hottest days of the year?
But, the Council knew what it was doing; city hall staffers did their groundwork sending out corporate letters well in advance - and they got an overwhelming turnout - as many 500 persons - including council staff - came out.
Today, the mayor raved about the success:
Darrell Bradley - Mayor, Belize City Council
"It was very successful. This is part of our campaign in the sanitation area of our 100 day plan. We had put this labor for Belize City initiative, and we've been planning it for the last 6 weeks. It was very successful. We had 31 projects going on yesterday throughout Belize City. We started bright and early at 6 a.m. Most of the projects were finished by 10 to 10:30 a.m. After that, we had some of our works crew just going about the city just ensuring that things like all the garbage has been picked up, and that all of the projects signed off well. We had in excess of 500 persons, and we had issued 1500 garbage bags; we ran out of garbage bags. So, our count put it that we collected over 1500 bags of trash from the various projects throughout Belize City. We deem it a success, and this is something that we want to do on a regular basis - not every month - but we want to do it as regularly as possible to encourage people to really keep Belize City clean. People want to see a better community, and they want to work with you, but they want to see that there is structure with a way that they could fit into a plan."
The Mayor says he plans to do it again - but probably not as often as once a month...