Was Kevin Kelly, known as Boco-T, beaten to death by police? That's what his family believes after a post mortem examination confirmed that he died of, quote, "Hypovolemic shock due to internal bleeding, due to multiple abdominal trauma, due to blunt instrument type."
Today, we spoke to the Police Press Office, Inspector Fitzroy Yearwood, who told us that he will refrain from speaking publicly about the matter because the investigation is still in its early stages.
He did assure us that this matter is under acute observation because of the circumstances of Kelly's death.
He said that if he were to issue a statement now, if charges are brought against any of the police officers under investigation, they could foreseeably use the comments to get acquitted.
Sounds like bush lawyer medicine to us, but he said that he won't comment in the interest of the family.
That family is calling it police murder - which they had to wait almost two full weeks to confirm - because the police forensic pathologist Dr. Mario Estradabran's contract expired in February.
Kelly died in custody of San Pedro police on the night of Thursday April 26th. The cops said he was wanted for questioning for a robbery.
According to the San Pedro Sun, police chased him behind the Four Sister Plaza on Pescador Drive, where several shots were fired at him. He was later apprehended behind a yard on Angel Coral Street. Police said that he started fainting and showed difficulty breathing, from the time they apprehended him. His family says he was systematically beaten and tortured with a taser gun.
Kelly is the second person to die in custody of San Pedro police in less than two months.
The crimes Investigation Branch and the Internal Affairs Office is now investigating his death.
As regards the backed up post mortem examinations - nine out of eleven outstanding autopsies have now been completed since Monday. The remaining two will be done tomorrow.
Estradabran's contract is in its final revision and is being forwarded to him for his approval. The Ministry of National Security expects that the contract should be signed by tomorrow.