Last night, we showed you how the police department was trying to build community pride and trust with its community clean-up effort.
Well today, they continued their observance of Police Week with an open-day fair at the Queen Street Police Station.
Now, the department is usually vilified - and often-times justly so - because of abuses by certain rogue officers.
Today, however, we got to see a lighter side of the department as they displayed public relations to the students who attended.
Here's what one of the organizer's told us:
ASP Diana Hall - Officer Commanding Tourism Police
"Today, we have an open day, and we have the different branches displaying what they do. We have invited the schools to come and partake in it."
Daniel Ortiz
"Can you tell us a little bit about what is being displayed today?"
ASP Diana Hall
"We have the Anti-Drug Unit. They are displaying the equipment and giving the children pep-talks about drugs and firearms. We have the Community Policing Unit displaying the different types of drugs and firearms as well. We also have Belize Tourism Board, who works closely along with the Tourism Police Unit. We have the Communications Center. We also have Scenes of Crime. We have the Traffic Branch, and we have CIB out here."
Daniel Ortiz
"What has the response been in terms of turn-out?"
ASP Diana Hall
"This morning, we had a large turn-out, and this afternoon, some of the students are just coming in."
Police week continues until Saturday, June 30.