Today at KHMH, the representatives of Fultec Systems donated 6 computers to the hospital, a gift worth $9,000 dollars.
Now, the new units won't be used to order 800 US Dollar tuxedo's over the internet; no it'll be used to benefit patients who want to stay in touch.
Fultec's PR Officer explained:..
Grace Brown, PR Officer - Fultec Systems
"We decided that we wanted to donate something to the KHMH because we believe in what they are selling basically and we wanted to donate 6 computers to them, so we are donating 2 to the lobby where family of patients can inform other family members of the status of the patient and so on and it will be free of cost to those family members and the other 4 will go to the training center for the doctors and nurses."
Daniel Ortiz
"What's the value of the donation?"
Grace Brown, PR Officer - Fultec Systems
"It's approximately $9,000.00 but of course you know it's immeasurable in terms of what it will be giving back to the family of the patients."