46 year-old Dwayne "Warrior" Young, a stevedore residing in Mahogany Heights, will spend a year in prison because he was convicted of indecent assault in Magistrates Court today.
In February of this year, 7News reported that a 22 year-old woman told police that on February 20, she went downstairs of her house in Mahogany Heights to feed the dogs.
According to her, Young, who was a neighbor, made unwanted advances when he approached her, kissed her on the mouth and on the cheek, and then fondled her.
Well, this complainant came to testify to just that in this trial. And her father corroborated her story by testifying that he heard the dogs barking, and when he came to investigate, he saw Young with his arm around his daughter's waist.
In his defence, Young told the court that the family made up the entire story to get back at him.
According to Young, before they accused him of this crime, he did some repair work on their bathroom, and the victim's mother made unwanted advances on him when her husband was away.
Young said that the mother and daughter used this to try to get back at him because he turned the mother down.
After listening to his version of the story today, Senior Magistrate Frazer said that he said a lot, but he didn't actually say anything substantial. He particularly did not directly deny any of the claims of the young lady, such as kissing and fondling her.
Senior Magistrate Frazer added that the victim's version had no inconsistences.
Based on all the evidence presented to her, Senior Magistrate Frazer found him guilty of the offence, and sentenced him to spend a year in prison, which commences from today.