39 Year old Francisco Tzec - a Teacher at Mopan Technical has been accused of fondling two girls.
Last Friday - the girls, aged 10 and 12 went to San Ignacio Police with their mother. They reported that at 2:00 on Friday morning, they were at their grandmother's house when Tzec, who was a house guest went into the area where they were sleeping. The 12 year old claims he fondled her on her private parts, and the ten year old says he touched her leg and and hips. They say he told them he thought he was in their grandmother's room.
The girls reported it to the their mother - and to the police - who arrested Tzec and charged him for two counts of indecent assault. He was arraigned Tuesday and received bail.
But that's not the end of the story - police are also contemplating bringing charges against the girls' grandmother. And that's because she has allegedly told them not to bring charges against her guest.
Mopan Technical High is a government school and a Ministry of Education representative today said the process is that he would be placed on Administrative leave pending an investigation.
Tzec was a teacher in first and fourth forms.