As we reported a few weeks ago, there is concern all across the Caribbean over falling grades in the C-Sec exams - what we call the CXC. Only 33 per cent of the those sitting the Mathematics exam achieved Grades I - III. This is down from 35 percent in 2011, and 41 percent in 2010.
It has caused concern everywhere - except, apparently, in Belize where a press release from the Ministry of Education breezily referred to grades being down in English A, Mathematics and Principles of Accounts - but did not say down by how much or give any comparative figures. And even though we requested such figures from the Minister and Minister himself - none have been forthcoming.
But in Jamaica the low grades have caused consternation and as we find out in this report from our Colleagues at CEEN TV - a task force has been appointed to find out what went wrong in Math and English:..
cxc jamaica from 7News Belize on Vimeo.
In Jamaica English is also a major subject of concern: Forty-six per cent of the students passed that exam, compared to 63.9 per cent the year before.