Last week, you heard both sides of the dispute between the BBOC and Westline Bus. Both of them want to have the 3:30 and 4:00 pm run from Benque Viejo to Belize City. BBOC has it right now - but Westline has been awarded it - and has paid for it - but it still has not gotten the road service permit issued.
And it appears such permit may not materialize. Today the Minister of State with responsibility for Transport, Edmund Castro told us that the run should stay with the BBOC.
Here are his comments:..
Hon. Edmund Castro
"We had reverted the road side permit; the 3:30 and the 4:00 back to BBOC. I don't see why they are bickering over it."
Jules Vasquez
"Mr. Chuc told me that he has paid for those runs; 3:30 and 4:00 from Benque. He hasn't gotten the permit. He said that he got a receipt that he paid."
Hon. Edmund Castro
"We have to compromise; we don't want any trouble in the bus industry. We are trying to work with both BBOC and Westline. If needs be I think the board had revert back to consider BBOC for that 3:30 and that 4:00 run. We are trying to work with BBOC, bring them to the table and it was two bus runs they were bickering over, they got their 3:30 and 4:00 runs. We just have to try work with Sergio and work out something for him so that he could be happy as well."
Castro also spoke about the Belize Bus Association's complaint that it can't meet the 37 conditions that the Ministry has set out for implementation this month.
Castro says, it's the law!:...
Jules Vasquez
"Mr. Shaw of the Belize Bus Association says that they need an increase in bus fares if they are to meet those 37 conditions that your ministry has laid out."
Hon. Edmund Castro
"That sounds so stupid to me Jules, the 37 conditions - I would say about 90% of the 37 conditions are already law. What they are telling the general public/commuters that they don't want to abide by the laws. Overcrowding the buses are part of the law. Running a bus with improper tires is part of the law; you can't do that. The 37 conditions - I think about 90% of that are law already."
Jules Vasquez
"They are saying that they have to paint their busses."
Hon. Edmund Castro
"Each bus having a different color is part of the law. To number the bus - it makes it easier for us and it makes it easier for the commuter. How could they say that they need an increase when for years they were given 20% discount? They are giving 20% on particular routes just because of competition. How can you claim that you are not making money and you are giving 20% discount and you are bawling every day?"
Jules Vasquez
"So you are not in favor of an increase on bus fares?"
Hon. Edmund Castro
"People don't mind to pay but right now you can't ask the general public and the commuters to pay one dollar more when you are giving them the same crappy service; the same bus that breaks down and crappy service. How you expect them to pay more for the same? Majority of the people who are complaining who are driving the transportation industry are the drivers and conductors who are running the show because they are the ones making the money. The bus owners need to get with the program and see what we are saying so we can help them to save money. They are losing approximately $12,000 per bus per year which is going in the pockets of the conductor and drivers. When the busses are overcrowded the owner of the bus still doesn't get a full bus to its destination."
Jules Vasquez
"Not even the fare from a full bus."
Hon. Edmund Castro
"The owner doesn't get the fare from a full bus much less the standees. Everybody that travels on the bus, the standees pays the same full price as a person that purchases a ticket."
Jules Vasquez
"You are saying that ends up in the pocket of?"
Hon. Edmund Castro
"The conductors and the drivers; they are creaming approximately on a daily basis."
Jules Vasquez
"You are accusing them of thief?"
Hon. Edmund Castro
"I spoke to a bus driver yesterday. He is not driving anymore, but he says that sometimes he gets $100."
Those new conditions should go into effect later this month.