And while there is now a free flow of traffic between Coney Drive and the Northern Highway - on the north side of Belize City - there is congestion all over.
That's because some very major streets are all under construction - all at once. That's Craig Street, Barrack Road, Freetown Road and contiguous streets.
It's a constant traffic headache - and that's because it hasn't come to the southside yet! But the mayor says, bear with it, it's all for the greater, long term good:..
Mayor Darrell Bradley
"Right now we are focusing on the north side down town grade and the contractors are almost completed on Barrack Road and then they will move on to Freetown Road. When they finish Freetown Road they are going to move on to Douglas Jones and Mapp Street and they finish that they will do North Front Street and New Road. We are also working on the south side down town area; all the streets off Albert - Bishop Street, South Street, all of those streets."
"The information we are getting though from BWS is that those installations are old and all of them need to be repaired. It's a lot of timing and its lot coordination and that's why it's difficult."
"It's going to be a huge bit of inconvenience but I would say that the inconvenience is necessary because at the end of the day people get to drive on a very nice street that will last about 40 years."
The Mayor says the paving paroxysms should be over by the end of November - that is assuming the bond floats.
So far the council has spent a little over 2 million dollars on paving streets - and has gotten about a third of that contributed by business houses.