Do you remember little Hannah Castillo? She was only one week old when she made it on the news on August 13th.
At the time Hannah was being flown out of the country for emergency surgery because she was born with a rare birth defect, esophageal atresia which made it impossible for her to eat.
She was flown to Children's Hospital in Richmond Virginia and news coming out of that US City is that Hannah is eating and thriving off breastmilk.
Her mother is quoted in the Richmond time Dispatch as saying quote "Every day, all day, she wants to be fed."
But she only got there after a surgery on August 30th. Doctors say she is doing well and after she was taught to latch unto her mother's breast - and since then she hasn't let go too often.
The World Pediatric Project has previously taken three other children with esophageal atresia from Belize to Virginia to have the condition repaired. But the newspaper reports that seven months ago, another child with the disorder died from respiratory problems the day before she was to be transported.