The Minister of environment Lisel Alamilla may be from the Toledo District and in her previous career as conservaitonist - was chummy with groups such as SATIIM. But tonight they are not happy with her, after the Department of the Environment refused to postpone public hearings for the US capital Energy Environmental Impact Assessment.
A release from the DOE says that the consultation will be held on October 25, 2012 at 5:00 pm in Sunday Wood Village, Toledo District.
The EIA is for petroleum exploration drilling (inside and outside) of the Sarstoon Temash National Park.
The public notice advises that copies of the EIA report may be perused at the Punta Gorda Town Library, and the Chairmen of Sunday Wood Village, Conejo Creek, Barranco, Crique Carco and Midaway.
A release from SATIIM says that the EIA comprises over 300 pages in technical English and a challenge for the communities to effectively participate.
The statement says SATIIM considers this an act of bad faith on the part of the Government of Belize. The statement concludes, quote,
"It is obvious that the Government has decided to engage with Indigenous peoples with their fists clenched."