7 News Belize

Youths Look for A Crime Solution
posted (November 5, 2012)
We've shown you earlier in the newscast what the Government of Belize is trying to do to curb the crime in Belize City. We now turn to a fledgling organization, which decided to make an effort to try to help with the situation.

This organization calls itself the Youth Against Violence, and it an has been established in several Central American Countries. The Belizean chapter of the Youth Against Violence was officially introduced to the media on Saturday morning, and 7News stopped by. Here's what we found about their perspective on crime, which mostly affects young people who are in their age range:

Cordelia Belizaire, Youth Against Violence - Belize
"In 2012 Belize the 5th dangerous country in Central America with a homicide rate of 39 persons per every 100,000 inhabitants. This simply means that every day someone will lose their life due to violence. That person could be a relative, a friend, a brother, a sister, the person at the grocery store, the food vendor you frequently patronize but it could be someone you know."

"Belizeans we are not alone in our fight. we are joined by the Central American youth movements and we are all aiming towards creating a safe Central American region."

Amram Lemoth, Youth Against Violence - Belize
"Our mission is to promote socio economic development for every Belizean youth through education, public awareness, media involvement and social projects as a means to violence prevention."

"We were following the statistics and they say that 2% from 2001 - 2010 has been lost to murder which is 1,425 - coming from a rural community - in 10 years that double the population of my community. I say to be educated about what is prevention because now we are all aware that crime and violence is plaguing us. It's just a matter of putting in the right prevention polices in place."

Cordelia Belizaire
"We know that violence not only affect youths but there are also youths who are participating in violence. What we are trying to do is to organize ourselves as members in which we will try to educate and inform youths about positive changes."

Youth Against Violence Representatives from Panama and Guatemala also supported their Belizean counterparts at the official announcement of the organization.

In the coming months, Youth Against Violence Belize will make a presentation of a draft on what they believe the Public Policy on Central American Prevention of Youth Violence should look like.

This initiative is being funded by UNAID/SICA.

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7 News Belize