Every year, all countries of the Commonwealth set aside one day in November to remember the veterans who fought or participated in World War I and II.
On Saturday, The Belize Ex-servicemen's League held the observance at the Memorial Park, and 7News attended.
The President of the League, in his speech to the gathering of local and international officials, underscored the importance of the ceremony for the younger generations, who may have not even know what these men and women gave in the name of honor and country.
Here's an excerpt of what he had to say:
Bernard Adolpus - President, Belize Ex-Servicemen League
"Remembrance Day 2012: Love of country, loyalty, honor, sacrifice, duty; they obeyed the call of duty, as they did. So must we. Each year, citizens of the Commonwealth countries, such as Belize, and our sister CARICOM states, turn to the simply poppy as the most easily identifiable expression of remembrance and sacrifice done for the Crown and country. This generation, when we think of a loved-one lost or wounded by war, the poppy has become an emblem of gratitude, hope and preservation. And its haunting beauty still can
fill us with an abundance of silent resolve. This opportunity is taken to reflect on the 1015 Belizean men and women who volunteered for the war effort, of which some were accepted in the following units: in the military, 242; the Royal Canadian Air Force, 1; RAF, 16; the Indian Army, 2; the Royal Navi, 2; the King's Regiment, 2; the Forestry Unit; 600, ammunition workers, location: Manchester; the Nursing Service, 16; cooks, 9; and the Royal Engineer, 2, among others. History reveals that Belizeans served and participated in both wars: 1914-1918, and 1939-1945. It also includes the Korean War: 1950 - 1953, and some of you fought in the Vietnam War: 1955-1975."
"This year marks the 67 anniversary of the outbreak of the war. Most of our people - particularly, young people - have no recollection of the war. Therefore, to our growing generation, our country war vets are those who fought and some returned. It's part of our history, those men and women who did so much for humanity and freedom. Hence, Remembrance Day affords us the opportunity to recognize their heroic contribution to peace and the rule of law."
After the ceremony at the Memorial Park, the gathering went to the Lord Ridge Ceremony where they laid wreaths on the graves of 2 of those servicemen buried there.