And while the committee will have to go back in time - Mr. Barrow's party, the UDP is moving forward.
It has a national convention scheduled for February of 2013 and it's what you might call a well-known secret that Chairman Patrick Faber wants to challenge Gaspar Vega as First Deputy.
The campaign has already started and such a challenge to a Deputy Party Leader, while he is the sitting Deputy Prime Minister is probably unprecedented.
But, that isn't stopping Faber - and the news of his challenge alone is seismic. We asked the Party Leader if it will cause a major rift in the UDP:
Jules Vasquez
"Do you expect a rift in your party, as there are rumors that there is a slate which will challenge Gaspar Vega for 1st Deputy Leader?"
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"There is, as you say, certainly a suggestion it might be perhaps a bit more than a suggestion, that there will be a challenge. If there is, that is democracy; that is the way we in the UDP do it. While we know that any contested convention will have its fallout, I believe that our history, track record, and our culture are all such that we can deal with that sort of thing."
The names of the nominees for posts are not in yet - and they don't have to be until a month before the convention. But Faber has made no secret of his ambition to run for deputy.