Belize Rural North and Central are getting a major upgrade in the availability of medical care.
The administration at the Central American Health Science University, which is located at the junction of the Hattieville Boom Road and the Phillip Goldson Highway, have teamed up with the Belize Rural North Representative, Edmund Castro to open a new clinic which will be free of cost to any member of the public.
Today, the clinic was officially opened and the Executive Dean of the University explained how the clinic came about, and how it will be managed and funded:
Dr. Maurice Modavi - Executive Dean, Central American Health Science University
"There is a large community around this area including Sandhill, Boom, and Ladyville, and there has not been a clinic to service the population. So, this was a necessity, and there was a need for it."
"How did this come about? Where did you get the funds for it?"
Dr. Maurice Modavi
"We have been discussing the issue with Minister Castro for some time, and initially, we intended to start the clinic somewhere in Sandhill, and allocate some space to it. But since that is going to take time, our University provided the space at no cost. The professors who are teaching are going to provide some of their time, and it is for non-profit institution."
"A clinic is by no means a cheap venture. Where the funding come from? How are you going to fund it?"
Dr. Maurice Modavi
"The funding is broken in the accommodation, the space, the labor, and physician costs. Physicians are donating part of their time. The university is donating the spaces, and the utilities, student will be donating their time to do activities. And we will solicit funds from pharmaceuticals and organizations."
"Who can access this clinic? Who can come here?"
Dr. Maurice Modavi
"This is open to the public. Anyone in the community can walking and ask to be seen by the physicians at any time during the opening hours."
The clinic saw its first patients today, and its opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.