Well it's December 21st and the world didn't end. We're still here, meaning that - to the surprise of none - all the doomsday prognosticators were wrong. While we hope they can move on to a merry Christmas, for the rest of us it was good, if slightly idle fun.
As we told you last night, we sampled public opinion on the so called Mayan Apocalypse yesterday. We presented some of those interviews last night - but because the news was so long, we couldn't get in all of them. Here are the rest with sly, smart and funny perspectives on the December 21st theory:
"The bible talked about nobody knows the sign of the times, so not even the Mayas know, they are not God. God says when the sign of times come we will know when the anti-Christ comes."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"Do you think the world will end tomorrow?"
"No I don't believe in this."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"According to the Maya calendar the world will end tomorrow on December 21."
"What can we do in any case?"
"From my understanding and what I have seen its more the of a period and my understanding is that it can usher in a new period."
"Stop right there. According to the Mayan Calendar the world will end or the Maya calendar will end and it will start again."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"That's the ending of the Maya calendar, but many people are predicting that the world will end."
"I don't think that the world will end. The bible has made it clear."
"No one knows the days and the hour and the time, so everything is already predicted in the bible. I don't think we could just come up with a thought, it's already said in the bible; Jesus says that no one knows the time and the hour. That's just my thoughts on it."
"Nobody knows. I know that I will live to see tomorrow. The world will not end right now."
"I think the world cant end. This is not a movie, but me and you have to end when we are dead."
And while it was good fun for us, for Belize the tourism product, it was a major boon. 2012 has shown the strongest arrivals of overnight arrivals. And the Institute of Archaeology held a Traditional Maya Fire Ceremony in the A-Plaza at Caracol to mark the occasion.