Our next story is an unusual one. First off, it's not for kids - so if they're in the room, you'll want to change the channel or ask them to take a TV break. The story involves mature content because it's about a physical fight - an all out war between two women.
Now, this is not the stuff that usually makes news - but what happens when someone captures that fight on cell phone camera and then posts it on the web for the whole world to see? Well, that's another level - and when that fight involves partial nudity…well you can imagine the embarrassment of the combatants!
And what's worse is that the video has gone viral and they have no power to take it off the internet. It's like your most embarrassing moment being immortalized forever on eternal loop - and you're powerless to do anything about it. What happens to someone in the glare of such sudden exposure and notoriety? How do they explain it to their family? That's what Monica Bodden tried to find out yesterday when she tracked down one of the combatants. She appeared off camera and we have also blurred the video:
Monica Bodden reporting
This is the fight that was captured on Christmas Eve. It happened on Jasmine Street and the combatants are one identified to us as Dana-Lou and the other Ta-ish-ka.
After a long search for the two women, we found Ta-ish-ka yesterday around the area the fight happened. She told us this fight was about pure jealously.
Monica Bodden
"How did the fight even started?"
Voice of Taishka
"I was just walking down the lane with the young lady and as soon as the young lady reaches down the lane she approaches me and I had to defend myself."
Monica Bodden
"It was you who started the fight?"
Voice of Taishka
Monica Bodden
"It started over what?"
Voice of Taishka
"It just started over jealousy, it's all about jealousy. I know the person but she and I don't really hang out to that extent."
Monica Bodden
"Did anyone try to path the fight?"
Voice of Taishka
"Yes, nobody wasn't really encouraging the fight and nobody expect the fight to happen but it just happen."
That's personal drama and to some extent public because it happened in their neighborhood. But now via this Facebook site it's been transmitted to the world - anyone can see it - and very many have. So how does that make this woman - who was half naked, in the drain and also getting beaten up feel?:
Monica Bodden
"Did you have any idea that the fight would go viral and thousands of people would see this?"
Voice of Taishka
"No not really."
Monica Bodden
"How did you know that it was on the internet?"
Voice of Taishka
"Because I met certain people in the streets and they told me that I was on Facebook and I think that it's not that appropriate for me to be on Facebook doing something like that."
Monica Bodden
"You regret what happen?"
Voice of Taishka
"Yes I did."
Monica Bodden
"You manage to squash what happen to the other person?"
Voice of Taishka
"Not as yet but soon."
Monica Bodden
"You would like for them to remove the video off Facebook?"
Voice of Taishka
"Immediately ASAP because I feel disrespect by that."
We did try to speak with the other female in the fight - but could not locate her after two days of trying.