Yesterday UB President Hope Amadi had his own protest in Belmopan. The numbers weren't anywhere to those put off by the Teachers today - but considering that he had a one man press conference on Friday - he didn't do too badly.
But one thing he did do was tick off the Minister of Education. That's because Amadi's entire protest and offensive is based on his declaration that the Minister never answered their letter sent on January 21st. They gave him until the 24th to answer and when he didn't, that set off their countdown to a protest which culminated yesterday.
But the minister says flatly that Amadi is lying. Strong words, but Faber didn't mince them one bit today:..
Jules Vasquez
"The basis of his protest yesterday was that they (student government association) wrote to you and you did not respond."
Hon. Patrick Faber - Minister of Education
"That's an absolute lie. In fact I did receive their email. In fact you I think forwarded me a copy of that email to me once you received it and last Tuesday I to make sure that I made an answer, it was a very brief reply to say to them that they demand as they
put in their letter to me - they are demanding that I and the Ministry re-instate the fee subsidy to which I responded that that demand cannot be met. In the letter of about 2 pages they also requested a meeting with me and I responded saying to them when my next available date for meetings would be and I told them to contact my secretary - there has been no response to that letter and so I am assuming that they never really intended to meet with me which is something that we must point out as well. They are been all over the media saying they'd been trying to reach me and trying to meet with me and that's an absolute lie."
Faber says the letter to Amadi was hand delivered on the 23rd of January.