Yesterday morning on WAVE Radio, Police Minister John Saldivar seemed to publicly take on the unions when he said, if necessary, he would go all over the country making Government's case to teachers - and let those who call him a union buster be damned. Well, judging from the initial reports on the outcome of today's meeting, it seems that tour de force won't be necessary - but, all the same, we asked Saldivar to modify or elaborate on his comments today:
Hon. John Saldivar "It's amazing for me how simple this thing can be taken out of context but I believe that the union leadership in trying to encourage their members to demonstrate against my government and to perhaps even strike against my government involves every one of us as members of Cabinet who have made that decision along with the Prime Minister that we have made which is to say that at this time we cannot afford the increase. The Prime Minister is currently meeting with them and trying to negotiate but if they cannot come to an agreement I have promise and I have said that I will take the government's position to the membership which I believe has not been properly informed by their leadership and that is all that I have said. We've all got to be men and women and be mature enough to
understand each other's role. I am a member of the Cabinet; a member of the government that is in negotiation with the unions and I believe that our position as government has been misrepresented by the unions and I see nothing wrong in my saying I want to explain my governments' position."