7 News Belize

Community Concern vs. Commercial Privilege on Iguana Street
posted (December 22, 2006)

It's not due to open until next year but the Down Low Restaurant is already attracting a storm of controversy. The restaurant is located on Iguana Street, the heart of a residential community where residents say they don't want Down Low in their neighborhood. The owners meanwhile say it is a restaurant and it will actually help the community. Here are both sides of the story of community concern and commercial privilege.

Keith Swift Reporting,
Construction is just about complete on the Down Low Restaurant located at number 16 Iguana Street but if some residents in this area get their way, the restaurant won't even see an opening day.

Henry Gordon, Opposes 'Down Low'
"We feel that it is inappropriate for any investor to come and dump a club, a nightclub in a residential area."

The opposition to the Down Low Restaurant is being led by former Cabinet Secretary Henry Gordon who lives right across the street. But more than being next to his home - he says the restaurant/bar is across the street from a school.

Henry Gordon,
"All indications are, from what we have seen from the building, that it is not just a restaurant, it is basically intended to be something bigger than a restaurant."

Gordon, who is also a prominent columnist in the Amandala, is circulating a petition. He has already gotten seventy signatures - including that of influential politician Michael Finnegan along with the signature of Ma Haze - a well-known resident in the area.

Hazel 'Ma Haze' King, Area Resident
"I don't it is fair to have a club in this area. This is a residential area and a next thing is that we are close to a school and we are right behind the station (police station). So I don't think it is fair for us to have a club. They could soundproof it, part of it is soundproof, but this is the part, the main part, when they get drunk - they come on the street and they'll make a lot of noise. We used to have a club on Gibnut Street and that was when we used to suffer."

Hon. Michael Finnegan, Signed Petition
"I totally agree with Henry Gordon and the neighborhood behind there on Iguana Street and Welch Street. If I were living there, and if you were living there, I wouldn't want a damn soul to put a club beside my peaceful neighborhood, I agree with Mr. Gordon. Now if it is a restaurant, it is a different ballgame."

And that is what Sherman Carcamo says it will be - a restaurant. This afternoon he gave 7NEWS a tour of the Down Low and showed us that it is designed like a restaurant - and it will be a restaurant. Carcamo has already spent $80,000 renovating the building and says that he too has support from the neighborhood.

Sherman Carcamo, Owner
"I've got about forty people that agree that it is not a problem with it."

Keith Swift,
Is this going to be a restaurant or a bar?

Sherman Carcamo,
"It is a restaurant and I am planning to accommodate a little bit to tourists and to the locals and it is not designed as a disco or nightclub."

Keith Swift,
Opponents say it is right next to a school, St. Michael's College.

Sherman Carcamo,
"My response to that is that there's other places like right next to a church. There is a restaurant right next to a church that has a license for doing that as well and I am not exactly in front of a high school and I am nowhere near a church. As a Belizean I am just trying to make a living and opening a business."

Henry Gordon,
"My point to the manager was that if he wants to invest in Belize, then invest in something productive; invest in a venture that's going to bring employment to people rather than take money out of the immediate surrounding areas. Southside is supposed to be a poor area, why didn't he take his money, his venture capital, and go on the north side, one of the more prominent areas. They wouldn't allow it."

Carcamo and his business partner are still in the process of applying for a license. He says they have already invested $80,000 and expect to spend at least another $20,000 before the project is complete. Carcamo also told us that he has plans to renovate the Queen's Square pool which is front of the restaurant. We'll keep following this story.

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