It's been almost a month since police have given the public an update on the mass murder on Dean Street. Today, at a handing over ceremony which we'll tell you about shortly, Officer Commanding Eastern Division Miguel Segura explained that there's nothing new to report.
Miguel Segura, Officer Commanding Eastern Division
"As far as I know the investigation Mr. Dawson has it. In fact we had a foreign British fellow who had a look at it but I am not in a position to say if they had made any developments because what we look in any investigation is who did it. There are many challenges when we look at the area because any investigation that we do at the initial stage (what I called the golden hour) is canvasing witnesses and there is deem way to prove it. Some of these are not forthcoming and I work within the frame of the law. I think at the right time there should be an opportunity that the investigator himself could then give you the media a proper update."
Monica Bodden
"Would you comment if the camera on Dean Street was working at the time?"
Miguel Segura, Officer Commanding Eastern Division
"There are many challenges that we have with cameras. Many of time cameras are obtained but they don't do a proper research because cameras in order to work they must be proper recording and similar challenge we have within the City - that cameras exists but the recording is not there, so that is no help."
Patrick Jones, reporter
"Would it be fair to say that this investigation has stalled?"
Miguel Segura, Officer Commanding Eastern Division
"As far as I know Mr. Dawson would be the right person to give you an answer because I know many of times I would want to see results too, but positive results - just like the media want to give a closure to this case but we have to work with what we have. Mr. Dawson who is the investigator should be in the best position to answer that."