Today, the US Embassy to Belize, the CARSI fund, collaborated with the Police Department, Community Policing and Crime Stoppers Belize to hand over a donation of just under $200,000 in equipment. The donation is to bolster the capacity of 19 Neighborhood Watch groups across the country, and Police's Special Constable Program. They held a handing over ceremony at the Yabra Community Police Unit's headquarters this afternoon and 7News was there.
Here's what the National Neighborhood Watch Coordinator told us about how this equipment will be used:
Gilbert Pitts - National Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
"We have applied for a CARSI grant, and we've received over $200,000, It will be coming in 3 phases. This is the first phase; right now we've selected 20 neighborhood groups from around the country, and we are issuing out today lights, whistles, 2-way radios, and handcuffs. These are the items which will be issued to the different groups today. In the second phase, we'll be issuing signs, more handcuffs, radios and other items to the different group. This all national, country-wide, from Punta Gorda to Corozal, to San Pedro. We've selected 20 groups, and we've selected the more active groups right now. With this, the other groups might see it, and become a little more active, and in the next selection, they will be a part of the donation also."
"Sir, who do you prioritize? What areas get what attention first?"
Gilbert Pitts
"We go around the country, and we find all the groups who are active. We have a lot of groups who have gone dormant, and we try to rejuvinate them. But the ones who have been active, and remain active, we start off with them first, and then we try to bring the other ones back. These items, we've got to be accountable for, so as long as the have the items, they have utilize it, report back to us, let us know how they are using it. And when we get some more, the other groups which come on stream will be getting their share."
H. E. Vinai Thumalapally - US Ambassador to Belize
"I am particularly fond of this project because it not only represents cooperation between government agencies, this project is also an example of government, non-govermental organizations, and communities working together to maximize resources and benefits."