7 News Belize

GSU "Über Alles"
posted (March 1, 2013)
We used to regularly tell you about seizures made through Special Branch intelligence - so many that they were outmatching the GSU, which usually dominates the news. But since the GSU and Special Branch have been realigned to come under the same commander, ASP Marco Vidal, we haven't been hearing anything from the Special Branch - and the GSU is back in the news with high value seizures, starting tonight with 2 more guns taken off the street.

On Sunday, the GSU searched an open lot on Lakeview Street where they found a 12 gauge sawed-off shotgun in a plastic bag tucked under a pile of garbage. No one was in the area, and as a result, it was deposited as found property, but the GSU believes that it belongs to a member of the Ghost Town Crips who resides nearby.

Then at around 10:45 today, GSU officers were operating on Prince Street, and they conducted a search on an abandoned house. The officers discovered a 9mm pistol, which was holstered into a cement block on a portion of the house.

Again, no one was in the area, and it was deposited as found property, but the GSU believes that it belongs to a member of the George Street Gang.

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