And "provocative" is just what Wilfred Elrington said last week about Wil Maheia and his border clearing initiative. But when we asked the Guatemalan Foreign Minister about it, he seemed to be hardly concerned:
Jules Vasquez
"The border adjoining our village of Jalacte your village of Santa Cruz to clear that border, is that something that concerns you?"
Fernando Carrera, Guatemala Foreign Minister
"Not really because at the end of the day both what you did here from this side of Belize and we did from the side of Guatemala was very positive. We all understood that this is not the way of solving our disputes. The only way of solving of disputes of civilized countries is have a conversation and go to a legal framework like the one provided by the ICJ. We are more reasonable people today than a few decades ago and we can contribute to a solution for a specific point of view."
Jules Vasquez
"You issued very dire warnings about the Belize Territorial volunteers Mr. Maheia. You were wrong, A) nothing happened and B) the Foreign Minister said that it's something that hardly concerns them, as people, we learn to live together."
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Belize Foreign Minister
"I don't know if I were wrong. My understanding was that they were going to clear the border. My report is that they did not get close to the border, so the worry is that if you cross over to Guatemala side they are going to pick you up, that was my concern. But they were prudent enough not to go anywhere near the Guatemalan border, so there were no problem. The concern I issued was with respect to their safety, but they were prudent enough not to go near to the Guatemalan border. He did say that he is not concern about extremist, he is not worried about people who are extremist and you did say they did not seem to have much of a following, but the important thing was that they did not put themselves in harm's way which was my primary concern."
Carrerra has acted as the Guatemalan government's lead spokesperson for the legalization of drugs.