An organization named CISSCAD is having its 34th ordinary meeting in Belize. If you're wondering, CISSCAD is the membership body for all Social security Institutions in the region.
Belize currently holds the rotating presidency and this country's CEO explained that it's all about sharing experiences and best practices:
Richard Flowers - CEO, Belize Social Security
"The theme this year is advancing social security for all through integration and calibration. Basically to break it down, what it's about is looking at best practices, what is working what isn't, and just breaking down the silos, because all we're here for is to serve our citizens."
Gabriel Martinez - Secretary General, CISSCAD
"For example, the issues of service to citizen, really - in countries like Canada, the US or Brazil, in small countries like Belize and El Salvador., they all pretty much face the same problem of learning about the families, about their needs, and we're al the same at the end. Health issues are the same"
The meeting runs until tomorrow...