Last year the highlight of the Budget Debate came from rookie representatives Julius Espat and Santi Castillo. They got into a classic verbal spar- the highlight of which was when Espat loudly proclaimed that the only standing orders he adheres to are the ones that come from his constituents.
So this year, the line-up was set the same as it was last year, with Espat leading off for the PUP - and Castillo responding to him for the UDP. But, Espat threw what baseballers would call a "change-up." He was a model of parliamentary restraint - even though he was highly critical of the Barrow budget. Here are a few excerpts of his 35 minute presentation:
Hon. Julius Espat - Area Representative, Cayo South
"Mr. Speaker the Prime Minister has hit the nail on the head, when he compares his budget performances and this budget with the likes of a Harry Houdini. In reality Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minster is an illusionist, and his budget is but a mere illusion. How is it possible that the stats quoted in the Prime Minister's budget indicate that our economy is growing when our fathers cannot get a job, when our highly educated youths coming out of the universities cannot fine meaningful employment, when our poor mothers do not have the means to prepare a nutritious meal for their children, when our Belizean people cannot afford to clothes or send our loving children to school? We do not feel confident enough that we are willing to borrow from the banks; we are losing our homes and businesses at alarming rates. The newspapers are flooded with foreclosures. Here are examples of the publications of just this month. Mr. Speaker I took clippings from the month of March just to show you foreclosures, and it is alarming, every single page. Orange Walk foreclosures, Belize City foreclosures, San Ignacio foreclosures, Dangriga foreclosures, San Pedro foreclosures, and don't even talk about Toledo and Dangriga because it goes on and on Mr. Speaker; this is ridiculous. Normal Belizean businesses are closing down one after the other, down town Belize City alone Majul Sharma King Street, closed down; Papu Punjab Albert and Bishop Street, closed down; Big Daddy's Dinner - remember that, Mr. Speaker - Big Daddy's Diner at Commercial Center, closed down; Macy's Café on Bishop Street, closed down; El Centro Restaurant, one of the nicest rice and beans closed down; Venus Records, King Street and Albert Street, closed down, A to Z on King Street, closed down, Venus Photo Studio, Bishop Street East Canal closed down; Sings Souvenirs, Albert Street close down; Juanita's Store, Albert Street and King Street closed down - Yellow, you will know about this - King's Record, North Front Street, Swing Bridge, closed down; Excellent Dinner, corner East Canal and Cemetery Road, closed down; Odette's Store, Albert Street; Mopan Hotel, Regent Street and Ferrel Lane closed down; Domino's Store, Orange Street closed down; Delta Store Albert Street; Mr. Speaker I don't want to go on because this is just one two street, and it shows you an idea. The PM's utterances of zero tolerance for corruption, I've heard it many times, hip swift and effective action for the slightest wiff, the sharpening of the sword on 2 sides, all sound and fury signifying absolutely nothing, and in my second language 'absolutamente nada'. Mr. Speaker the last attempted audit was for 2010-2011 and the auditor is saying she could not satisfy herself as to the money collected, and spent, and as to the wareabouts of stocks; vehicles, heavy duty equipment's and other assets that our hard earnd taxes paid for. She was forced to withhold her opinion on the national account. Paragraph 3.5 in chapter 3 of her report the auditor general states, 'As a result of the significant material errors and omissions identified in the financial statement received from the Accountant General, I am withholding my opinion on the statement.' This is a serious indictment on the UDP Government; it is time for the people of Belize to realize that if they do not rise up and demand accountability from this government, then only the ones that live and benefit in Barrow Land will eventually survive. The rest of us, Mr. Speaker - and probably you are a part of it too - will be collateral damage."
And while Espat called for an uprising, he was also uncharacteristically even-handed in praising those UDP Ministers who have helped him in Cayo South. In fact, his praises almost turned into a love-fest:
Hon. Julius Espat
"So I applaud the Minister Patrick Faber, yes 3 cheers for the Minister; he is a man of his word. I went to him and he assisted, and Mr. Speaker that's all we want. Remember, the guys on that side, you are not our enemies, we are just political opponents, and we take a little jab once in a while, but we are not enemies. We are Belizeans, and that's why I applaud the Minister of Education, Mr. Speaker."
Hon. Michael Peyrefitte - Speaker of the House
"I'm not sure I'm used to all this love."
Hon. Julius Espat
"The Prime Minister and I have been throwing jabs across this floor for a couple house meetings, but I respect him as the Prime Minister of this country. And the last time I went to him to seek a request for the people of Cayo South, Mr. Speaker the Prime Minister was professional enough, he address me. We spoke and he gave me his word, and I assumed at the time, being young at this, that it will not happen. I thought that it would not happen. Low and behold, 15 minutes after the meeting the Prime Minster called back and said, 'Your request has been granted, not only for the people of Cayo South but for all 14 constituencies that the People's United Party.' That is what a Prime Minister should do when he is Prime Minister, Mr. Speaker."
Hon. Michael Peyrefitte
"Members calm down please, I know we don't know how to handle this, but I certainly don't; I'm shocked."
Hon. Santino Castillo - Area Representative, Caribbean Shores
"Let me divert briefly to rebut some of the comments made by the Hon. Member from Cayo South, who we thought was the brat of this house. But, he was very restrained today, showing a lot of love, so I guess I have to show a little bit of love myself. I think what the Prime Minister meant, where he spoke about Harry Houdini, is that we, the UDP Government, under his stewardship were able to get out of the bangles, that the PUP Government left us under. in fact, the last trip, the super bond would have been the one that would have killed Belize, had this UDP Government not gotten in and escape itself. The PUP are the last on to speak about accountability, that would be like if the Hon. Requena would call me short. He speaks of virtues, The PUP, virtues? Please."
And later on, we'll have much more from the House Meeting, as the whole subject of the Red Eye Boy came up many times today...