Zee Edgell is Belize's most noted author, best known for the acclaimed Beka
Lamb. And now the woman who introduced readers to Beka Lamb and Toycie wants
you to meet Leah Lawson in her new book titled - "Time and the River."
The novel is based loosely on the real life of Grace Tucker Anderson, the daughter
of a slave in nineteenth century British Honduras.
"Time and the river" took ten years to write because of extensive
research that underpins the historical accuracy of the novel. It will be launched
tonight but this morning Keith Swift sat down with Edgell to talk about the
new novel.
Zee Edgell, Author
"This woman, this real woman whose name was mentioned in history, her
name was Grace Tucker Anderson. She was my inspiration. I didn't use her real
name but I did use the real names because I took more liberties with her life.
She overcame a number of obstacles. She was born in Belize. She was a slave
that was born in Belize.
With that as a story, I tried to recreate through my imagination what it
must have been like for my African ancestors to live in slavery, forestry slavery
from 1798 to 1820."
Keith Swift Reporting,
Who should pick up this book and read it?
Zee Edgell,
"I think young people, old people, anybody interested in what Belize
was like between 1798 and 1820. Slavery was abolished in Belize 1836 or 1838
so between that time so anybody interested in getting an understanding of what
it was like."
Keith Swift,
How does this book compare to say Beka Lamb?
Zee Edgell,
"My last book is always my favorite book until I start a new one."
Keith Swift,
In writing this new book did you feel any pressure to write another Beka Lamb
or a book better than it?
Zee Edgell,
"Every writer always hopes that their next book will be better but Beka
Lamb was pretty special. I wrote it at a time when all the conditions were right
and I don't think I can rewrite Beka Lamb. Even if I tried I couldn't."
Tonight's book launch begins at 7 at the Bliss Center. The book is published
by Heineman Caribbean Writers Series. It should be available locally but you
can purchase it online at http://www.zeeedgell.com.
Beka Lamb was published in 1982. It has previously been on the CXC list but
is currently off. It is scheduled to be on the CXC list from 2009 to 2011.