Over the past three weeks, there's been a lot of public uproar about those new Guatemalan passports. By now, you should know them well, the one's showing Belize as a part of Guatemalan territory separated only by a dotted line. The passports have been put out to tender but they haven't been printed yet. However, Belize's Immigration Authorities already have a policy position. Minister of Immigration Godwin Hulse outlined it today.
Hon. Godwin Hulse - Minister of Immigration
"We cannot refuse people entry into the country because we can't stop business and all. So they are legitimate people coming. People in Guatemala are not necessarily fully responsible for the kind of passport the state issues to them. What we are saying? That when you reach the border that we are not going to accept that which is on a front of the Belizean Sovereignty. So we are going to develop a mechanism whereby you will be required to have an entry permit which you will pay for and that entry permit is what is going to be the legal document that brings you in the country and keep you in the country. That is our position as we stand. Hopefully, they don't proceed with it because we understand that there are several moves especially through the UN Department not for them to proceed but that is our position should they proceed."
The Guatemalan government is tendering to print millions of the newly –re-designed passports.