And staying on matters of public interest – the Prime Minister also gave an update on the "encouraging oil show" in the Orange Walk district. Maranco has been having lots of difficulties including salt water seepage, and oil turning into tar when acid was injected to get rid of the mud. That second event has stopped the oil from flowing – so samples have been sent to Panama to find a mud destroying acid that won't turn the oil into tar. All very technical, and another delay.
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister of Belize
"That happens then they will resume the pump testing to establish the daily pumping rate and from that information - the size of the pump will be to determine the long term production test and we will then be in a position to know for sure that this find is commercial. Mr. Marriott tells me that in his view, it is, but of course there is commercial and then there is commercial. So precisely how commercial it is we'll not be known now until these processes have been completed. That is going to take another couple of weeks including the ability to deliver our much beloved teachers and public officers."
Public officers have been promised 50% of surplus revenues that may accrue from a commercial oil discovery.