The prime Minister also gave the media an update on BIL – that's Belize Infrastructure Limited, the super-ministerial special purpose vehicle that's going to be investing 60 million dollars in sports infrastructure across the country. It's been widely criticized, but the Prime Minister says he's reloading it for greater transparency – so that no one can even suggest – as the Leader of the Opposition has – that it is a "UDP hustle vehicle".
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister of Belize
"BIL has been described as a 'Hustle Vehicle' for the UDP. First of all, you should know that anything I come up with, I am not a part of that. Don't associate me with that kind of thing. As much as I might feel that my creditability is still good with the Belizean people, again I take no chances, so we've extended an invitation to the Chamber of Commerce and to the National Trade Union Commerce of Belize to appoint one member each to serve on the BIL board. So we will go from 7 - 9. Remember there are already two private sector persons but admittedly persons that we chose. But these two persons Paul Thompson and Alan Sharp - any of you who know them will know that they don't mess around.. These are persons of the utmost integrity, the activities of the company will be subject to the contractor general - the full nine yards. As I described it, what this is really is a project executing unit on 'steroids' because we need to get this money out in order to stimulate activity in the private sector. All the contracting work will be done by the private sector contractors as well as to improve the quality of life for Belizeans. Again everything is going to be above board. This is a way of making sure like I said, there is going to be a huge injection of stimulus into the economy."