The PUP, the NCFC and the Special Envoy for Women and Children have issued statements on Saturday's unspeakable crime: the murder of three small children by their mother. In its statement, the PUP says quote, "this unprecedented incident brings into sharp focus the extreme challenges that many women and families face in Belize today." It adds that, quote, "the Belizean public should withhold a rush to judgment against the accused…and await the relevant facts."
The statement from the National Committee on Families and Children says quote, "the death of three children demands that we pause and reflect on how to strengthen the support to families to ensure that there is awareness of the warning signs and where to access services to prevent future occurrences."
And the statement Special Envoy Kim Barrow says quote, "This heartbreaking story is a reminder that we must take issues relating to mental health seriously." It adds, "It is important that we all educate ourselves on the signs and symptoms of (clinical depression) as there are services that are available to help treat and manage depression and prevent it from escalating with such devastating results." End quote.
Felicia Chen, the mother accused of drowning her three children has been assessed by clinical psychologist, Dr. Elma Augustine and Psychiatric Nurse Eleanor Bennett and found to be suffering from chronic clinical depression and that she is a danger to herself. She is receiving urgent therapy and has been remanded to a Mental Health Hospital for observation. She returns to Court in 14 days.