22 year-old Felicia Chen, the young lady accused of killing her 3 children was back in Magistrates Court today. She had been remanded to a Mental Health facility because the psychologist, Dr. Elma Augustine, certified that she was a danger to herself due to severe clinical depression.
Well, Magistrate Dale Cayetano was presented today with a second report from Dr. Elma Augustine which concluded that Chen needs to continue to be housed at the facility because she is still not able to cope with the trauma. So, she was remanded to the hospital until her next court date, which is set for May 22, 2013. Chen is now being represented by Human Rights attorney, Antoinette Moore.
As we reported, Chen is accused of a triple infanticide, in which she allegedly drowned her babies, 4 year old Triana, 3 year old Thomas, and 1 year old Trinaya Teul, all the death.