Saint John's Juniour College today announced that it is making 1.54 million dollars worth of Jesuit scholarships available to its 2013 Juniour College graduates. This year's awardees are Natasha Khawani, Dionne Habet, Edgar Nah, Aaron Stock, Shan Shan Tam, Gian Hernandez, Aldair Gongora, Yael Perrera and Ki'ila Salas.
In other, less happy news from the school, today, 7News received several calls from concerned parents in relation to a developing situation at Saint John's College high school.
It centers around a 3rd form class which is facing the threat of mass suspension and academic failure because of a stolen cellular phone belonging to one of the female teachers.
The class is suspected to have information which could lead to the discovery of the culprit, but they have been uncooperative with the administration.
As a result, the Prinicipal of the School is determined to get to the bottom of the situation, and it is causing the parents to worry that her disciplinary action is too drastic.
We attempted to speak with the principal today, who declined comment.