The Prime Minister was also asked to comment on the destruction of the main temple at the Noh Mul Mayan site. De-Mar's Stone Company, owned by UDP Candidate in Orange Walk Central Denny Grijalva used the two thousand year old structure as a quarry. He did it to fulfill public contracts to fill roads in Orange Walk North. That's the Deputy Prime Minister's division and the PM bristled when we tried to make connection.
Jules Vasquez
"Are you satisfied that in fact the deputy prime minister and the representative from Orange Walk North had no involvement in the paving of roads in the Orange Walk North rural roads with fill from Noh Mul?"
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minster of Belize
"Sorry, could you repeat that"
Jules Vasquez
"The deputy prime minister has sent out as statement saying he had no involvement in the malling of Noh Mul"
Hon. Dean Barrow
"That I certainly accept"
Jules Vasquez
"Are you satisfied then, if the fill is being used in villages in Orange Walk North, being so close to village council elections, that in fact he was not, by extension, the arranger of the contract with Mr. Grijalva to pave public roads?"
Hon. Dean Barrow
"You still are confusing me; I am satisfied that the deputy prime minister had nothing to do with the excavation that took place at Noh Mul. I am satisfied that he would have had no knowledge that material quarried from the Noh Mul site was being used in connection with road infrastructure in his constituency or in the Orange Walk district. You see clearly what you are trying to do is to somehow tie him up with the company that carried out the excavation works and no it is absolutely remote; if I hire a contractor to build my house and the contractor gets material from Noh Mul, you are going to lay blame for that at my door, especially if I had no knowledge, that's not my concern."
And there's still a little more from the PM coming up as we ask him about the gender policy and the super-heated, super-heavy blowback coming from the religious community.