The Organization of American States, the OAS, is having it's 43rd General Assembly in Antigua. The meeting starts tomorrow with more than 1,000 officials from 36 international delegations and 28 Foreign Ministers.
It's a major regional meeting and topping the agenda is the debate on drug policy. That discussion was blown open at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia last year, and that's what the Secretary General of the OAS was tasked to produce a report to propose alternative strategies to combat drug trafficking. He has tabled that 35 page report for the meeting, and he discussed it at a press conference this afternoon in Antigua.
Miguel Insulza - OAS Secretary (Translated into Enlgish)
"They asked me first of all to provide an objective report on the situation on the issue of drugs in the Americas. Secondly they asked me to do a research of the possible scenarios that could happen if certain decisions were taken and what would happen. What they asked me not to do was to suggest a policy because they were going to decide that because that starts now. What we expect to get from here? We expect to obtain - as they said we can continue to dialogue as long as that is a framework to search for ideas for we should re-orient the drug policy but above a framework for dialogue. A dialogue that will win the frame work of the Interamerican system to rethink the drug strategy in our continent."
That was a pre-event press conference, and the meeting starts in earnest tomorrow morning. 7News will be there, and we will provide daily reports. Our news team will especially keep an eye out for any of those bogus maps annexing Belize into Guatemala.