What would you do with 456 thousand dollars? That's what 27 year old mother of one, Sue-Ellen Usher is figuring out tonight after she won last night's Fantasy Five draw.
The pre-tax winning is 456 thousand dollars – the second largest in Fantasy Five history. The San Ignacio resident came in to the Belize City office of Brad's to collect today and she told us how she arrived at the winning combination of five numbers.
Sue-Ellen Usher - Winner of Fantasy Five $456,000 Jackpot
"I was sitting outside with a couple of friends and my mom was inside checking the numbers for me and she told me that I won it and I couldn't believe it and I went to the Chinese and I checked on the phone to see if the numbers were right and everything was right."
Jules Vasquez
"How did you select those numbers?"
Sue-Ellen Usher
"My mom and I sat down last night before the Fantasy Five and I picked out all the names of the youngest children in my family so I said my baby is 2, my nephew is 3, my other little nephew is 6, my baby sister is 9 and my other little sister is 15 years old - those are the youngest in the house and their age made me win it."
Jules Vasquez
"What will you do with this money?"
Sue-Ellen Usher
"Well I have a lot of stuff to do but my first priority is my mom and after that I'm going to save my money for my babies education."
Jules Vasquez
"Your life will change immediately because you came up big time and everyone knows. So how will you handle all the new friends that you're going to make?"
Sue-Ellen Usher
"I don't know."
Jules Vasquez
"It's the second largest Fantasy Five jackpot winning in Belize's history - how will you make sure you manage your money properly?"
Sue-Ellen Usher
"Well I'll try to open some sort of little business so that I don't spend all my money crazily."
After taxes, she took home $387,600 dollars. She has been buying Fantasy Five from its inception and will probably be buying again this Saturday.