LAST week, we showed you the Mahogany Street Sub-Precinct Police Cadets who made the news for helping out an elderly resident.
Well today, we went back to meet with the cadets who were receiving a donation of music equipment from Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington, who is also a donor to the Samuel Haynes Music Center on Mahogany Street.
Elrington told us today that he believes music can also be used as a mode of outreach:
Hon. Wilfred Elrington - Minister of Foreign Affairs
"I was approached a month by the Sargeant in charge and he asked me if I would be prepared to donate the instruments to them and I told them that I would have been very happy to do that. As you know we have the Samyel Haynes Junior band and we believe very strongly in music and what comes from it but also the potential that it has for people to earn their living."
Sgt. Brent Hamilton - OC, Mahogany Sub-Precinct
"I believe that if you have music and you can play an intstrument then you can deal with other things in your life. When it comes to stress and different other things, so throught music you can all kind of learning so if later on in their life,if they don't have a job - they can play music and make money in the longer run."
Mark Jenkin - Cadet Instructor, Mahogany Sub-Precinct
"When I'm interacting with the kids it's just like I'm interacting with my own kids too - I love all of them."
Travaun Chee - Marching Band Instructor
"I want to give back to my community because it is because of them that I am who I am right now. I could have been on the streets, either dead or either in jail so the police - I thank them for everything."
Malik Leslie - Brand Master, Mahogany Cadet Marching Band
"We just taught them how to beat the drums - they have some that don't know and some that know can going the in the corners and teach othe one."
"In terms of the CADETS - did that change your life and put you on a positive path and do you live in this area?"
Malik Leslie
"Yes Sir"
"What do you do when you're with the CADET's aside than music?"
Malik Leslie
"I just march with them, fun stuff."
The Cadets hope to be a part of the September Celebrations.