And finally for Minister Saldivar tonight, we asked him how he feels about throwing his support behind Elvin Penner in Cayo Northeast where Saldivar is part of the campaign to keep him in office as a representative:
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"I have been on the ground campaigning. I was in Cayo over the past weekend on Sunday basically supporting Hon. Penner. More importantly, ensuring that the People's United Party cannot use this episode to try to get one step closer into government."
Jules Vasquez
"Is it a dilema for you in any way support someone who according to the Prime Minister, has done a egregiously wrong and from all outward appearances has constructed an entirely false narrative about citizen Kim."
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"I didn't get that."
Jules Vasquez
"Does it put you in a difficult position that this person has manifestly done wrong by the Prime Minister, the press and by the public - has done an egregiously wrong but yet as a politician you have to fall in and jump behind Elvin Penner and start cheerleading for someone who is apparently morally bankrupt."
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"I wouldn't go as far as to say that. I would go as far as to say he has done something wrong and just as you have put it even egregiously wrong if you want to put it that way. The Prime Minister has acted, the Prime Minister has discipline the representative and I believe that discipline was adequate. I believe that to move beyond that to try to take him out of the House of Representative is going beyond what I think would be just in the circumstances."
Jules Vasquez
"Is he fit to hold public office?"
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"I believe he is still fit and as long as the people of Cayo Northeast want him to continue to be their representative, I believe that he should continue to be."
And on that subject, Elvin Penner has sent a text message in response to a question from our colleague at KREM Radio Marisol Amaya. She asked if the rumors that he is resigning are true. His response says, quote, "I will not resign; I will serve my people of Cayo Northeast. We have a number of meetings in my area and support for me is stronger than ever." End quote.